62 pages 2 hours read

R. J. Palacio

Auggie & Me

Fiction | Short Story Collection | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Part 2, Chapters 27-39Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “Pluto”

Chapter 27 Summary: “Introductions”

Christopher has been friends with Auggie since they were babies. He recalls what he has been told about his friendship with Auggie that started long before Christopher could remember. Their parents lived on the same street before the two of them were born. Christopher’s Mom and Isabel (Auggie’s mom) started a mother’s group together. Although Christopher is aware that Auggie is different from him and their two friends, Zack, and Alex, he doesn’t realize how different he is until they go to the park one day, where a little girl sees Auggie and screams.

Chapter 28 Summary: “7:08 a.m.”

It’s years later, and Christopher hasn’t lived near Auggie for over three years. Christopher wakes up and finds himself thinking of Auggie. His mother struggles to wake him. As Christopher begrudgingly gets up, he asks what happened the night before. His mother tells him that Daisy, the Pullman’s dog, passed away.

Chapter 29 Summary: “Darth Daisy”

Christopher reflects on the day when the Pullmans first got Daisy. On a normal day at the Pullman household, Mr. Pullman, Nate, arrives with a yellow dog. Lourdes, Christopher’s nanny, is hesitant to let him touch the dog, saying that the dog lived on the street. Nate insists that the dog is healthy. He tells Isabel that “she was destined for us” (107). Via and Auggie convince their mother to let them keep the dog. Christopher suggests they name the dog “Darth Maul” (109). When Via wants to name the dog Daisy, they compromise and name her Darth Daisy.

Chapter 30 Summary: “7:11 a.m.”

Christopher’s mother explains that Daisy had to be put to sleep. As Christopher lays in bed, one of the glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling falls on him. He reminds his mother that she never fixed them, calling her “Lisa,” which she doesn’t like. He sarcastically thanks her for waking him up with sad news. She says that she wasn’t going to tell him until the afternoon since he would be upset. Christopher bristles, insisting, “I’m not going to start crying” (112). When his mother asks him if he will call Auggie, Christopher brushes it off and asks her to close the door behind her, annoyed as another star falls on his face. The stars remind him of when they first moved into their house. Christopher’s parents promised that they would get a dog, but they only got a hamster. As Christopher thinks of what he needs to do that day, he decides not to call Auggie.

Chapter 31 Summary: “Friendships”

Christopher again reflects on growing up with Auggie. When they were young, they spent all their time with Zack and Alex. This stops around the time they are in kindergarten. Zack and Alex go to a different kindergarten and their new friends don’t like Auggie. Zack and Alex tell Christopher that they friends are “scared” (115). Christopher cannot understand why this would make Zack and Alex spend less time with Auggie, since they personally weren’t afraid of Auggie. He realizes that it is hard to mix friend groups. Christopher hangs out with Auggie and his friend Hudson, who also has craniofacial differences. When people see Auggie and then Hudson with facial differences, Christopher feels like they are looking to see what is “wrong” with him too. He asks to have a playdate with Zack and Alex the next day, feeling relieved when “No one stared at us” (116). Christopher realizes that being friends with Auggie isn’t always easy.

Chapter 32 Summary: “8:26 a.m.”

Back in the present, Christopher is getting ready for school. He is forgetful and regularly struggles while preparing for the day. When he and his mother arrive at school, he realizes that he has forgotten his science paper, gym shorts, and trombone. His mother says it’s too late, so she will need to go home to retrieve them. Christopher anxiously reminds his mother to hurry since his science teacher will deduct points if his paper is late. After bickering a bit, his mother drops him off. When she says, “Love you!” he replies, “Bye, Lisa” (119).

Chapter 33 Summary: “9:14 a.m.”

It’s time for science class and Christopher’s mom still hasn’t returned with his things. Christopher’s science teacher says that this is the fourth time in the semester that Christopher has forgotten an assignment and she will have to deduct part of the grade.

Chapter 34 Summary: “10:05 a.m.”

Christopher’s music teacher, Mrs. Wren, is annoyed with him for forgetting his trombone, which he was supposed to lend to another student, Katy McAnn. As a penalty, Christopher must sit and watch the rest of the orchestra practice. Wondering where his mother could be, Christopher realizes that she must be with the Pullmans, since Daisy just died. After practice, Katy McAnn is upset that she cannot practice on Christopher’s trombone and calls him a “moron.”

Chapter 35 Summary: “Space”

Christopher remembers Auggie’s fifth birthday, when someone gave him an astronaut helmet. Auggie wears it every day. This begins Auggie and Christopher’s “space phase,” when the two of them become obsessed with anything to do with space. For Christopher’s sixth birthday, he plans a birthday party at the planetarium. At the last minute, Auggie is rushed to the hospital. Christopher’s mother agrees to take Via to her party on that same day, reassuring Christopher that she won’t be late. She says it’s the right thing to do, since “good friendships are worth the extra effort” (126). She ends up being so late that she misses the space show and Christopher is furious.

Chapter 36 Summary: “3:50 p.m.”

Christopher’s narrative returns to the present, where his mother still has not arrived at school. When gym comes around, Christopher still doesn’t have his shorts. He watches as everyone else participates. He hasn’t studied for math, even though he has a test the next day. While Christopher should stay to ask his teacher for help, he rushes to band practice. Christopher plays electric guitar in the after-school band. Christopher and the other fourth grader, John, are not welcomed by the band’s older members, especially when their adviser, Mr. Bowls, tries to make them included. One of the older students, Elijah, wants them to play “Seven Nation Army” for the spring concert. John admits he hasn’t heard the song, which makes Christopher feel embarrassed. John is upset when the older boys want to change songs, since everyone has been practicing “The Final Countdown.” When Christopher’s mother still hasn’t called or texted him, he decides to call her and see where she is.

Chapter 37 Summary: “5:48 p.m.”

Christopher’s dad arrives, explaining that Lisa was in a small car accident while she was driving that morning. He assures Christopher that she is fine, but that she broke her leg and is in the hospital. Christopher asks if the person who called his father knew that his parents were getting a divorce. They drive to pick up his mom from the hospital, which upsets Christopher, who hates hospitals.

Chapter 38 Summary: “The Hospital Visit”

Christopher remembers the only other time that he went to the hospital, when he was about six years old. Auggie had surgery to remove his trach tube so that he could breathe on his own. Christopher is excited to visit Auggie. He buys a Star Wars Lego set for Auggie and an Ewok plushie for himself. At the hospital, Christopher’s mother warns him that there will be other children with facial surgeries and tells him not to stare. Christopher sees another child who has a red hole underneath his nose. Via explains that the other boy traveled from Bangladesh for a cleft lip and palate surgery. When Christopher looks over at the boy’s face, he vomits on the floor. Christopher cries, trying to explain that he isn’t upset by Auggie. As Christopher and his mother walk outside, he pauses and asks his mother to bring the Ewok plushie back to the little boy. When she returns, she says “you made his day” (142).

Chapter 39 Summary: “7:04 p.m.”

Christopher and his father arrive at the hospital as his mother is discharged. When Christopher tells her that his band is learning “Seven Nation Army,” she says that she remembers them playing the song at a pub when she and Christopher’s dad were in college. When she asks if Christopher ended up calling Auggie, he groans. Christopher asks his mom if she got in the accident on her way home or back to school. His Dad cuts Christopher off, saying that “today could have been so much worse” (147). Christopher shivers up his spine when he realizes what this means.

Part 2, Chapters 27-39 Analysis

These first chapters of the second section of Auggie & Me serve to introduce Christopher, another character who was only in the periphery of Wonder. In Wonder, all that is provided is knowledge that Christopher and Auggie used to be best friends before his family moved away and he doesn’t talk with Auggie much anymore. In this story, Auggie is going through his first year at Beecher Prep and Christopher is going through his own struggle adjusting to his parents’ separation and social dynamics at school.

Initially, Christopher is angsty and absent-minded. When he hears that Daisy has died, he brushes it off and shows no interest in calling Auggie. He grumbles with his mom, insisting on calling her “Lisa,” and snapping at her for never fixing the stars on his ceiling. When he forgets several things for school, it is revealed that he has been regularly forgetful lately. On the surface, Christopher seems like he’s an angsty pre-teen, but he is struggling to adjust to his parents’ separation and potential divorce. Christopher is strained and stressed throughout this first section. His teachers at school chalk his behavior up to him being a scatterbrained student, and none of them realize that anything more is going on in Christopher’s life.

Christopher is also struggling to decide where he stands with Auggie, his oldest and most consistent friend. While his refusal to call Auggie might seem cold, it’s evident that Christopher has been struggling as the only consistent friend in Auggie’s life. As small children, Christopher didn’t realize how different Auggie was until the little girl cries at the park. Christopher stays by Auggie’s side, but there are strains on their friendship. Their other friends, Zack, and Alex, stop spending time with them because of Auggie. While Christopher’s mom acknowledges that other people might be “uncomfortable” around Auggie, Chris knows it’s more than that. When spending time with Auggie and Auggie’s friend, Hudson, Christopher must get used to getting strange looks, “like they were wondering what was wrong with me, too” (115). Christopher is more adjusted around Auggie than most people are. When he throws up at the hospital, he is desperate to tell his mother that “It’s not Auggie” (141). He feels for the boy with the cleft palate and gives him his Ewok toy. Christopher is not shallow about Auggie’s differences. However, he still struggles to navigate how to be friends with Auggie. He also struggles with his friendships at school. While he wants to be accepted in after school band, Christopher says that the older band members “didn’t treat us like we were equal members of the band” (129). While his friend, John, is kind, he’s socially awkward. Christopher wants the older students to think he’s “cool,” and knows that won’t happen when he’s friends with John, or if his teacher intervenes.

Christopher avoids talking to Auggie, even though they are friends. Talking to Auggie is painful because it brings up Christopher’s memories of a happier time. When he reflects on Daisy, he thinks of the Pullman family gathering her and his friendship with Auggie. While Auggie has a stable home life and a dog, Christopher’s parents are separated and all he gets is a hamster, which Christopher thinks is “not even one quarter of a dog […] I mean, it moves and it’s cute and all, but don’t let anyone try to fool you that it’s the same as a dog” (113).