62 pages 2 hours read

Derrick A. Bell

Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1992

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Important Quotes

Quotation Mark Icon

“Here, I again enlist the use of literary models as a more helpful vehicle than legal precedent in a continuing quest for new directions in our struggle for racial justice, a struggle we must continue even if—as I contend here—racism is an integral, permanent, and indestructible component of this society. The challenge throughout has been to tell what I view as the truth about racism without causing disabling despair.”

(Preface, Page xxi)

Bell identifies his central thesis, approach, and purpose in this quote from the first and second paragraphs of the text. His assertion that racism is permanent may well be a shock to most readers who are committed to racial equality in the United States, so the mention of despair is an effective rhetorical move that allows him to anticipate and begin addressing the possible objection that believing racism is permanent would incapacitate sincere readers. In addition, the quote allows Bell to prepare the reader for the use of atypical genres to advance his perspectives on race and the law. His attention to these rhetorical elements shores up his credibility as a writer.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Mrs. MacDonald looked at me and said slowly, seriously, ‘I can’t speak for everyone, but as for me, I am an old woman. I lives to harass white folks.’”

(Preface, Page xxiv)

In choosing the voice of an ordinary but brave woman to represent people who are defiant in the face of likely failure to end racism, Bell signals that he sees the stories of ordinary African Americans as valuable evidence. The inclusion of her story is an example of storytelling, a hallmark of the way critical race theorists make their arguments.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Several of the stories were written to facilitate classroom discussion.

(Preface, Page xxvi)

Bell identifies an important context for this volume, namely law school classrooms. This description prepares the reader for the sometimes didactic (teacherly) approach in the stories that follow and help the reader understand why so much of the text is devoted to discussing the law and important legal principles.

Quotation Mark Icon

“To initiate the reconsideration, I want to set forth this proposition, which will be easier to reject than refute: Black people will never gain full equality in this country. Even those herculean efforts we hail as successful will produce no more than temporary ‘peaks of progress,’ short-lived victories that slide into irrelevance as racial patterns adapt in ways that maintain white dominance. This is a hard-to-accept fact that all history verifies. We must acknowledge it, not as a sign of submission, but as an act of ultimate defiance.

(Introduction, Page 15)

That phrase “easier to reject than refute” shows Bell’s awareness of how counterintuitive his stance on the permanence of racism is to likeminded people in his audience. He acknowledges that this audience might reject his stance, but he then appeals to history by highlighting a cycle of progress of reversion that most students of race in America will recognize. Here, too, he introduces the idea of defiance as an appropriate response to this state of affairs and thus anticipates an important theme in the work that follows.

Quotation Mark Icon

“We identify with and hail as hero the man or woman willing to face even death without flinching. Why? Because, while no one escapes death, those who conquer their dread of it are freed to live more fully. In similar fashion, African Americans must confront and conquer the otherwise deadening reality of our permanent subordinate status. Only in this way can we prevent ourselves from being dragged down by society’s racial hostility. Beyond survival lies the potential to perceive more clearly both a reason and the means for further struggle.”

(Introduction, Page 15)

Bell continues making the case for acceptance of the permanence of racism and defiance in the face of that permanence as a heroic stance, an appeal to the emotions of his audience. He also uses “we” as the pronoun here to build community with his audience. Using emotional appeals and establishing connections with the audience are important persuasive approaches, and their presence here shows how skillful Bell is at getting his readers to support his argument.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I recognized that Semple was speaking as much out of his experience as out of the books he read. He sounded like the working-class men in black barbershops who may have to keep quiet not to lose their jobs, but in their environment, talking to their friends, let it all come out. Far from being so beaten down making a living as to have stopped caring about their race, their rhetoric makes it seem as if the revolution is not simply imminent but already under way.”

(Chapter 1, Pages 26-27)

Bell, in his law professor persona, identifies a key area where African American speakers like Semple have space and standing to make arguments about race in America. He is careful to note here that that speech is grounded in two kinds of knowledge, academic knowledge and personal experience, with both being valid ways of knowing. In fact, this chapter in which books (the professor) and experience (the driver) are in dialogue allows both men to figure out together what the real significance of racial symbols might be. This piece reiterates Bell’s point elsewhere that looking to the lives of ordinary African Americans can provide a way to navigate through the permanence of racism. In addition, the barbershop is one of the sources of African American resilience because it supports an attitude of defiance.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Supporters of Afrolantican emigration took as their models three key advocates of emigration between the early nineteenth century and the 1920s: Paul Cuffe, Martin R. Delany, and Marcus Garvey. The first, Paul Cuffe, was black shipowner from Massachusetts who, himself a constant victim of persecution (he was jailed for his refusal to pay taxes, which he withheld to protest being denied the vote and other privileges of citizenship), had determined to ‘emancipate’ Africa.”

(Chapter 2, Page 45)

One of the important functions of this chapter is to educate the reader about the history of African Americans’ responses to the persistence of racism in America. Although this piece is certainly a story, it includes long passages like these that interrupt the flow of the narrative, an indication that the main purpose here is to educate instead of entertain. These long passages are frequently supposed to represent the arguments of various schools of thought about whether African Americans should leave the United States; these stances are what take the place of specific, well-developed characters, making this piece an allegory instead of a straightforward short story.

Quotation Mark Icon

“The spirit of cooperation that had engaged a few hundred thousand blacks spread to others, as they recalled the tenacity for humane life which had enabled generations of blacks to survive all efforts to dehumanize or obliterate them. Infectious, their renewed tenacity reinforced their sense of possessing themselves. Blacks held fast, like a talisman, the quiet conviction that Afrolantica had not been mere mirage—that somewhere in the word America, somewhere irrevocable and profound, there is as well the word Afrolantica.”

(Chapter 2, Page 57)

The language at the end of this story is literary in that Bell uses parallel sentence structure to carry the reader along in that last moment of transcendence that people are coming back from the Afroatlantica Armada with hope instead of disappointment. His presentation of their return is of people who are triumphant, and he grounds this representation in the history of the resilience of enslaved African Americans in the past. The end of this story allows Bell to illustrate what defiance in the face of the permanence of racism could look like. This ending also reinforces that acceptance of the things one cannot change—racism in America being one of them—can lead to defiance and a better lived life.

Quotation Mark Icon

“IT WAS ENACTED AS THE RACIAL PREFERENCE LICENSING Act. At an elaborate, nationally televised signing ceremony, the President—elected as a ‘racial moderate’—assured the nation that the new statute represented a realistic advance in race relations. ‘It is,’ he insisted, ‘certainly not a return to the segregation policies granted constitutional protection under the stigma-inflicting ‘separate but equal’ standard of Plessy v. Ferguson established roughly a century ago.1’”

(Chapter 3, Page 59)

This piece has almost no storytelling elements with the bulk of the text being either the voice of the president explaining the ins and outs of the act and (the largest part) Geneva Crenshaw and the law professor debating how realistic such an act would be. In addition, this paragraph includes the first (indicated with the “1” in superscript at the end) of 31 numeric notes. These characteristics make “The Racial Preference Licensing Act” one of the more teacherly texts, one that is most clearly designed to address an academic audience of legal scholars or those in training to be lawyers. Bell has to appeal to multiple audiences to establish the credibility of his arguments, and in Chapter 3 the text indicates he is prioritizing his legal audience over a general audience by using scholarly conventions they expect to see in writing about the law.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘Sounds to me,’ I said, ‘like trying to fight for civil rights the way Brer

Rabbit got himself out of Brer Fox’s clutches in the old Uncle Remus story.’ ‘Something like that.’ Geneva smiled, sensing that she was penetrating my skepticism. ‘In a bad situation he lacks the power to get out of, Brer Rabbit uses his wits. He doesn’t waste any energy asking Brer Fox to set him free.’”

(Chapter 3, Page 78)

Bell references a storehouse of lessons in African American resilience—African American folktales in which the less powerful rabbit outwits the more powerful fox. The moral of that folktale is that acceptance is the first stage of getting the best that one can hope from a situation. Using the reference to the folktale here shows once again that Bell values African American culture as a source of knowledge; in addition, the example of Brer Rabbit’s acceptance of his situation as a first stage to minimizing the harm to himself is an example of how acceptance of the permanence of racism can help African Americans more effectively use their political resources.

Quotation Mark Icon

“But, Mom, how do we accept our responsibility in the face of betrayal and maintain the respect that was a basis for our love and caring in the first place?”

(Chapter 4, Pages 95-96)

This piece of dialogue between Neva Brownlee and her mother demonstrates the intersection of expectations and oppression African American women face because of their gender and race. Neva’s complaint that she is faced with two impossible choices—supporting African American men even if they don’t support her or choosing to center herself even if it harms her racial community. Intersectionality, a concept critical race theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw uses to describe this predicament, is on display here. Bell uses Neva’s struggles with this dilemma to show that even in the most personal of arenas—love and relationships—the permanence of racism tends to intervene.

Quotation Mark Icon

“‘When you reveal your relationship with Dr. Bainbridge,’ Neva continued, turning to him, ‘Quad A may have a rough time for a while. They’ll know her only as ‘that white woman.’ But if you both return and she joins you in our work, there’s just a chance that Quad A can equal the acceptance many African American families achieve when one of their children marries a white person. I assume, Jason, that Dr. Bainbridge has qualities—other than her race—that attract you. In time, Quad A members may recognize them as well. Since, as I understand it, she is a lawyer as well as a doctor, surely she has skills we could use.’”

(Chapter 4, Page 106)

Neva’s acceptance of and strategic thinking about the political problem posed by Jason’s relationship with Sheila poses to the mission of Quad A allows her to make the best of a difficult situation. In this moment she exemplifies Bell’s argument that accepting the permanence of racism and other racial dynamics in America will allow African Americans to make decisions that ultimately help them. This is also a moment when Bell shows that the quiet competence of African American women is a form of heroism that needs to be noted.

Quotation Mark Icon

“To answer both questions, I cited the 1978 Bakke case,10 where the Supreme Court invalidated the policy of California’s medical school of reserving 10 percent of its openings for minorities. The Court relied heavily on the Fourteenth Amendment which the Court—during its enlightened period—said poses serious problems to state laws and policies that make racial classifications. In rigidly applying this rule in a seemingly neutral way to California’s 10-percent minority admissions policy, a policy intended to make amends for years of overt discrimination, the Court’s majority utterly ignored the fact that the white race had in fact the power and advantages; and that, notwithstanding the Fourteenth Amendment, the black race has for decades been denied entry into California’s medical schools.”

(Chapter 5, Pages 127-128)

The elevated diction in this quote and the explicit citation of a legal case make it clear that the main purpose of this story is to explore the problem with seeing the law as colorblind. This passage and others in this story explicitly incorporate important premises of critical race theory as lenses for understanding why racism is permanent in America.

Quotation Mark Icon

“There are limits to what we can do with philosophy. You and I know that if the need is great enough, the rewards large enough, the temptation strong enough, we blacks can be sacrificed at will. A present fear sometimes, a distant memory always.”

(Chapter 5, Pages 133-134)

This passage identifies the implication of the racial realism theory of the title, namely that white self-interest will always and inevitably trump African American rights. His focus on the centrality of white self-interest reflects an important premise of critical race theory, which is that the racism is a foundational part of the American political system.

Quotation Mark Icon

“It is a little scary, but I can’t help noticing that the voice sounds suspiciously like the actor James Earl Jones doing one more TV commercial voiceover. It really riles me how even one of the country’s finest actors cannot escape the exploitative practice of overlaying the actions of the whites portrayed on the screen with the warm, rich voices of blacks. Damn! I thought.”

(Chapter 6, Page 137)

This is another of the selections that has very few storytelling elements. Nevertheless, Bell brings focus to bear on language and the role it plays in African Americans’ ability to be heard in a permanently racist society by using a pop-culture reference to James Earl Jones. The profanity and examples are likely intended to be humorous, but they also allow Bell to anticipate his theme in the piece, which is that African American voices are only heard inasmuch as it serves the interests of white people for them to be heard. This focus on voice here and in the later reference to Paul Laurence Dunbar’s dialect poetry allows Bell to turn a critical (and self-critical) eye on the importance of paying attention to the rhetorical situation. His discussion here, especially the use of multiple frames, shows off his own facility with rhetoric and thus enhances his credibility as he makes his arguments.

Quotation Mark Icon

“True awareness requires an understanding of the Rules of Racial Standing. As an individual’s understanding of these rules increases, there will be more and more instances where one can discern their workings. Using this knowledge, one gains the gift of prophecy about racism, its essence, its goals, even its remedies. The price of this knowledge is the frustration that follows recognition that no amount of public prophecy, no matter its accuracy, can either repeal the Rules of Racial Standing or prevent their operation.”

(Chapter 6, Pages 157-158)

The fifth rule is another instance in which understanding the seemingly immutable permanence of racism can allow African Americans to act more strategically when it comes to mitigating the effects of racism. The reference to this knowledge still not being enough to avoid its operation is one of several instances when Bell acknowledges the possibility of despair as a response to this reality.

Quotation Mark Icon

“They take seriously their roles as guardians of Harvard’s scholarly reputation—a guardianship not evil in itself, but in practice it simply replicates the status quo by selecting candidates from similar backgrounds, with interests and ideology like those of current faculty members.”

(Chapter 7, Page 174)

Bell here explains why elite institutions like Harvard hire and promote so few Black faculty members. His explanation highlights how gatekeepers—faculty, in this case—may not have bad intentions on an individual level but still perpetuate racism that is baked into the system of tenure. His insight about the disconnect between good or neutral intentions and discriminatory outcomes reflects critical race theorists’ understanding that racism is built into societal structures that reinforce the racial status quo.

Quotation Mark Icon

“Professor Mari Matsuda has, in discussing the academic value of a more integrated legal landscape, argued that new voices will emphasize difference, and thus give new vigor to theoretical debate. An outsider’s experience of discrimination or poverty may, for example, though differing from textbook cases, be valid knowledge, both concrete and personal: ‘To the extent legal discourse is distillable into conflicts over distribution of resources, the voice of the poor will force us to discuss such conflicts with full awareness of the reality of American poverty.’”

(Chapter 7, Page 176)

Bell clearly aligns his approach to the law with critical race theory here by citing Matsuda, an important scholar in this field, and by including a quote that explains why critical race theorists value voices that are traditionally excluded from discourse about the law. Like many of the arguments in this piece, the focus is on the impact of the permanence of racism in law schools, rarefied settings that most general readers will not be too concerned about. This section is designed to appeal to readers who are concerned about legal education while the quote is designed to call to the attention of general readers why they should care.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I can’t claim objectivity, Geneva, but I and many other minority legal scholars—for example Robert Williams, Angela Harris, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Mari Matsuda, Jerome Culp, Richard Delgado, Gerald Torres, Lani Gunier, and Charles Lawrence—have borrowed from other disciplines like philosophy, literary criticism, and the social sciences. With what some of us are calling critical race theory, we are attempting to sing a new scholarly song—even if to some listeners our style is strange, our lyrics unseemly.”

(Chapter 7, Page 180)

This chapter is one in which the persona of the law professor/narrator most overlaps with Bell, especially since the protests of the law professor are a part of Bell’s professional biography. Bell also name checks foundational figures in critical race theory and identifies their use of multidisciplinary perspectives as the rationale for his approach to making the law more equitable. This passage is one of the clearest moments when Bell declares his role in critical race theory. 

Quotation Mark Icon

“Geneva sat quietly for a time, absorbed in thought. ‘A fine story,’ she said finally, ‘and an apt metaphor for the knowing but unspoken alliance whereby all whites are bonded—as bell hooks says—by racism. ‘And,’ she added, ‘as paradoxical as it seems, viewing racism as an amalgam of guilt, responsibility, and power—all of which are generally known but never acknowledged—may explain why educational programs are destined to fail.’”

(Chapter 8, Page 193)

This passage is a commentary on how Ursula Le Guin’s short story illustrates the importance of scapegoating in America’s racial politics. Notable here is that this evidence comes from a piece of literature. This use of literature as evidence is an illustration of a critical race theorist’s willingness to borrow from other disciplines to make arguments. The story underscores a key insight of critical race theory, which is that racism is already baked into America’s political structures, which explains why education cannot wish it away.

Quotation Mark Icon

“I believe that the notion that we blacks, the immutable outsiders, might nevertheless be the bearers of the culture, increases our risk dramatically.”

(Chapter 8, Page 195)

Geneva’s point here that being in an outgroup and nevertheless central to American identity places African Americans in grave danger is an example of foreshadowing; the next piece is “Space Traders,” a story in which Bell imagines what would happen if the U.S. followed its willingness to sacrifice to its logical end. Bell shows off his literary and rhetorical skills throughout the collection by including at the end of each piece a preview that helps to connect the piece to the one coming up.

Quotation Mark Icon

“America. Though few gave voice to their thoughts, many were thinking that the trade offer was, indeed, the ultimate solution to the nation’s troubles.”

(Chapter 9 , Page 202)

That phrase “ultimate solution” will conjure for most historically informed readers the idea of Germany’s “final solution,” the genocide we today identify as the Holocaust. That historical allusion is a good indication for readers that America’s willingness in the story and reality to sacrifice African American lives for white interests poses an existential threat to African Americans. Phrases like these and their implications make the mood of this story somber.

Quotation Mark Icon

“He did not really mind that none of the delegates had spoken to him before leaving. But he was crushed by his failure to get them to recognize what he had long known: that without power, a people must use cunning and guile. Or were cunning and guile, based on superior understanding of a situation, themselves power? Certainly, most black people knew and used this art to survive in their everyday contacts with white people. It was only civil rights professionals who confused integrity with foolhardiness.”

(Chapter 9 , Page 222)

Gleason Golightly is astonished at the lack of strategic thinking among the members of a traditional civil rights group. His critique here echoes critical race theory’s argument that traditionally liberal activists who rely upon the belief that the law is colorblind are doomed to fail in their efforts to make the law live up to its supposed fairness to all. This particular group in the story ultimately decides to take a principled but ineffectual stance against the trade deal, an outcome that echoes Bell’s comments elsewhere that pro-integration pushes did little to improve the actual education of children on whose behalf pro-integrationist lawyers fought.

Quotation Mark Icon

“As the sun rose, the Space Traders directed them, first, to strip off all but a single undergarment; then, to line up; and finally, to enter ‘hose holds which yawned in the morning light like Milton’s ‘darkness visible.’ The inductees looked fearfully behind them. But, on the dunes above the beaches, guns at the ready, stood U.S. guards. There was no escape, no alternative. Heads bowed, arms now linked by slender chains, black people left the New World as their forebears had arrived.”

(Chapter 9 , Page 241)

Bell explicitly references the transatlantic slave trade, especially the Middle Passage, in his description of the despairing mood as the African American captives board the aliens’ ships. This allusion underscores that although this story is a piece of speculative/science fiction, the reality is that it goes beyond the realm of what if because such a large-scale sacrifice of African Americans has historical precedent. The downcast demeanors of the captives are a stark emblem of the despair Bell warns well-intentioned people against throughout the text.

Quotation Mark Icon

“That, Geneva, is the real Black History, all too easily lost in political debates over curricular needs. It is a story less of success than of survival through an unremitting struggle that leaves no room for giving up. We are all part of that history, and it is still unfolding. With you and the slave singers, ‘I want to be in that number.’”

(Epilogue, Page 249)

In the final lines of the book, Bell makes his last effort to push his audience to look past despair or even apathy as a response to the harms coming from the permanence of racism. He does so first of all by asking readers to recognize the heroism of the enslaved forebearers of African Americans. Their persistence and resilience are important lessons that can be drawn from history. The reference to “debates over curricular needs” is also the moment when Bell reminds readers that his overall point isn’t just about what is happening in law schools but more about the importance of African American defiance. This phrase is his final effort to connect with a more general audience.