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Ernest HemingwayA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
The narrative moves to Gaylord’s in Madrid, following Karkov as he enters a party in his apartment. He hears rumors that the fascists have been fighting and killing themselves, and he hears the whispers of an offensive that night, or early morning, led by Golz. He knows Robert is in the area set for the attack. He excuses himself from the party, presumably to rest, but he plans to go to the spot of the attack to check in with Golz in the morning.
Pilar wakes Robert at two o’clock in the morning and tells him that Pablo has taken things from his packs and left; she does not know what is missing. Robert finds that the items for setting off the explosives are missing, as are two horses. Putting his anger with her aside, Robert assures her that there are other ways to make the explosives go off. He sends her back to sleep, although she claims she cannot sleep after betraying the Republic. He takes the bags to his own bed to sleep until they must start their work at four o’clock.
Andrés thinks about the upcoming attack at the bridge as he carries Robert’s message to Golz. He believes he must get back to his comrades before the attack so he can fight with them, but he also recognizes that when Robert told him to take the message, he felt some relief at the possibility of not being part of the attack. He thinks of how he used to have that same relief when it would rain on the day of a festival where he normally fought bulls in ways that made him feel both proud and ashamed. He approaches the place where he will find Golz’s men, knowing he will be challenged.
Lying in the dark with the still-sleeping Maria, Robert goes into a silent rage at Pablo, expanding his rage to include all of Spain and its leaders until he expands it so much as to seem ridiculous. At that point, he calms, reminding himself to remember all the good people in Spain and his reason for fighting in the first place. Creating a new plan to make the bridge blow without the equipment Pablo stole, he whispers to Maria that they will die tomorrow, but that at least he can give her a good night’s sleep until it is time to go.
Andrés lays on the ground and calls out to the guard post, who shoot in his direction before questioning him, at first not believing he is a guerrilla fighter. They finally allow him to approach, where the leader looks at the papers from Robert and use them to identify Andrés. He at first believes Andrés, but then at Andrés’s insistence at getting to Golz quickly, he becomes distrustful again and decides to escort Andrés himself.
Robert lays in the dark with Maria, keeping track of the time. When it is nearly time to get up and prepare for the attack, he wakes her, knowing they must speak before it all starts. She tells him she is no longer sore, and they make love once more, both knowing this is all the time they have. He tells Maria afterward that she must wait with the horses until he returns from blowing up the bridge; they gather his things and return to the cave.
Robert and the guerrilleros prepare for the attack as Pilar repairs Robert’s bags and Maria tends the fire for their food. Robert reviews his revised plan and decides it will not work; he will be lucky to blow one bridge support. Nonetheless, he is determined to do what he can.
Pablo returns. He admits to throwing the stolen equipment into the gorge to try to prevent the plan going forward since they had too few men, but he tells them all that as soon as he did so, he felt lonely. He also realized that it would not stop Robert from trying to go through with the plan, so he gathered men from other guerrilla groups and brought them to the cave. Pilar allows him to be their leader once more, despite the anger lingering among the group. Robert, despite his anger, is glad Pablo has returned and brought more men.
When Pablo approaches Robert separately, Robert notices that the man is not fully “converted” back to their cause; he still believes it will be a disaster. He claims they can still make it to Gredos after the attack, but Robert knows he would not be invited. They greet the men Pablo brought and start the trek to the bridge.
Andrés is led through camps by Gómez, but their progress is slow, and an aide tries to prevent them from speaking to the lieutenant-colonel. Gomez threatens him, and finally he wakes the lieutenant-colonel, who understands the gravity of the message and has his aide write up papers that will help expedite Andrés being able to speak with Golz once they find him.
The guerrilla fighters tie up the horses at the spot where Maria and Rafael will wait and begin organizing. Robert emphasizes to Pilar and Pablo that no one is to act unless they hear fighting begin.
Pablo tries to insist that they do not have enough horses because Robert must go with them to Gredos, but Robert knows this will not happen. He shakes hands with Pablo before parting, realizing that despite their hatred, they have become allies.
Saying goodbye to Maria, he feels a sense of déjà vu, recalling the goodbye from his father at a train station before Robert first went off to school. He remembers the awkwardness and embarrassment over his father’s emotion.
Robert, Anselmo, and Agustín go to the place where Anselmo watched the road for two days and set up the machine gun.
Andrés and Gómez encounter several obstacles to their progress, including a roadblock caused by an accident between two military vehicles, a sentry who refuses to relinquish their papers at first, and the now-corrupt and brutal André Marty, who was once a great French military leader but now detains the men until Karkov arrives and ensures the men are given back the dispatch from Robert and sent on their way.
Andrés and Gómez get the message to Golz’s headquarters, where Duval, one of the commanders, tries to get hold of Golz on the phone. The message reaches Golz too late, as the planes take off. Golz thinks proudly of how the attack could have succeeded if a traitor had not revealed their plans.
Hearing the attack begin, Robert and Anselmo kill the sentries, and everyone springs into action. Anselmo hands materials down to Robert under the bridge. After handling their own side of the attack, Pilar and several men join Robert and Anselmo, having lost one man and carrying a gravely injured Fernando. Because Robert cannot blow the bridge from a longer distance due to Pablo’s theft of the triggers, the explosion kills Anselmo.
Robert meets Agustín at his post, and they wonder where Pablo is before hearing sounds of Pablo’s fighting. Pablo appears, running from his post, shooting at a small tank behind him. After shooting the tank, they retreat. Pablo explains that all the men he was with are dead; they were trapped by the tank, but when it turned another direction, he escaped. Agustín suspects Pablo killed the other guerrilla fighters, but Pablo will not admit to it. Robert privately believes the same.
They reach the rest of the group, and everyone mounts their horse and follows Pablo. As they ride, they come under fire. Robert is the last in line and tries to use the pack horse as a shield of sorts. An explosion knocks his horse over, and he lands underneath it, his leg gravely injured.
Two of the men rescue Robert. He knows a nerve has been damaged in his leg and that he must be left behind, so he orders Pablo to take Maria away after he says goodbye. Robert angles himself toward the road to shoot any fascist troops he sees.
Watching the road, Robert struggles with increasing pain. He desperately hopes for fascists to come so he can die fighting them rather than killing himself as his father did. He rationalizes having to kill himself as the pain increases, explaining to himself that if he falls unconscious and is taken by fascists, they will question and torture him. He fights himself over whether or not he should kill himself now, and he determines to hold off as long as he can, just in case he can kill an officer or several soldiers and somehow help turn the tide of the battle. Cavalry approaches, and the officer leading them is Lieutenant Berrendo, the man who ordered the beheading of El Sordo and his last few men. He approaches a spot in the road below where Robert hides, secretly aiming his gun.
The final section of the novel, encompassing the day of the bridge attack, includes a much sharper rise in action and then a final conclusion, which has been foreshadowed since Robert’s arrival. The narrative alternates between the perspectives of Robert, his companions, and Andrés as he tries to get Robert’s message to Golz before the attack commences. Andrés’s chapters heighten the tension both through their own innate tension, due to overwhelming delays, and through their interruptions of the primary action around the bridge, leaving much unknown during his journey. Hemingway continues to highlight moments of foreshadowing, reminding the reader of Pilar’s interpretation of Robert’s palm, Robert’s original thought that any kindness from Pablo would mean he was about to betray them, and the snow that reveals El Sordo’s band to the cavalry.
Despite momentary hope for his future when he survives the blast at the bridge, Robert spends most of the novel’s final section accepting that Living in the Present is necessary, especially in times of war. When he returns to his cot after discovering Pablo’s treachery, he whispers to the sleeping Maria, “We’ll be killed but we’ll blow the bridge […] Sleep well, my beloved. I do not wake thee. That is all I can do for thee now” (271). He wishes for a long life to build on how much he has learned so quickly in the past few days, but he accepts that the day is all he will likely have, making his death and sending away of Maria easier to accept when they happen. This appreciation for the moment also allows the small things, like making love, to become all the more profound: Even when surrounded by battle plans and death, love and romance are a necessary escape and fantasy for a doomed man.
The question of Cowardice Versus Heroism continues to haunt the characters on this final day. Pablo gives in to what his companions see as cowardice, stealing some of Robert’s materials and running to prevent the blowing of the bridge, but he returns in the end. Robert notes that he has not had a major change of heart, and Pablo himself admits that he returned because he felt a great sense of loneliness once he had tossed away the tools. Robert also faces his own fears, including a major fear of being a coward like his father. Once he accepts that he must be left behind when he is injured, he knows he must kill himself before capture if it becomes necessary, but he argues with himself on and off for several pages, wishing the fascist soldiers would come so he can engage them and die that way rather than by his own hand. He puts out the question, “Listen, if I do that now you wouldn’t misunderstand, would you?” (334), not knowing to whom he is speaking but simply wishing to justify a potential suicide with “heroic” reasoning.
However, in his goodbye to Maria, Robert is reminded of his father’s emotional goodbye to him as a boy, suggesting a lingering love for his father, even if he views him as a coward. It further suggests some level of understanding in that Robert is even able to consider suicide after feeling intense shame at his father’s passing. Perhaps in the span of a few days, Robert has found a way to begin to forgive his father, demonstrating deeper character growth, as Robert has now resolved, or at least thought better of, much of what previously tormented him.
The final section of For Whom the Bell Tolls rounds out the narrative with yet more reminders of The Brutality of War. Three of the guerrilleros die in the attack, including Anselmo, whose death pains Robert due to the mutual respect and care the two had built. Robert observes his emotional response in the aftermath: “In him, too, was despair from the sorrow that soldiers turn to hatred […] Now it was over he was lonely, detached and unelated and he hated every one he saw” (320). This process of emotion demonstrates the impact of war on the mind, as the killing of others creates a cycle of necessity, regret, hatred, and sadness.
Robert regains control of himself and feels at first as if life is surreal now that he himself has survived the blast, but he soon has to face his own death. He offers to be the last in line to cross the open area where fascists fire on them, and as a result, his horse is killed and thrown on top of him. Such a grave injury prevents him from being able to join the fleeing guerrilleros. Agustín’s final words to Robert in goodbye sum up the theme of The Brutality of War: “‘Qué puta es la guerra,’ Agustín said. ‘War is a bitchery’” (332).
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