48 pages 1 hour read

Roger Fisher, William Ury

Getting to Yes

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1981

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Part 2Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Part 2: “The Method”

Part 2, Chapter 2 Summary: “Separate the People from the Problem”

Jones calls a walkout. His union leader asks why; Jones complains that the foreman keeps picking on him, handing him extra assignments. The union leader asks the foreman why he chooses Jones so much; the foreman says Jones is “the best. I know I can trust him to keep things from fouling up” (19). During a bad flu season, the foreman needs Jones more than usual. He has assumed that Jones appreciated the responsibility.

An insurance company attorney discovers a completely unanticipated problem with a newly implemented state rule that creates unfair conditions for policy holders. She presents her concern to the Commissioner, who lambastes her for impugning his judgment, argues that her company is making plenty of money, and dismisses her.

Negotiators are people; they have unique wants, needs, and biases. Often they misunderstand another’s good intentions and assume they’re under attack. This can set off a chain reaction of recriminations.

Negotiators have two goals—to get what they want and to maintain a good working relationship with the other side. Often, though, issues raised are seen as personal affronts: “Egos tend to become involved” (22). Positions strongly taken can make each side assume the other doesn’t care about the relationship. Any compromise is regarded as a weakness to be exploited. Likewise, threatening to walk may win a concession, but it damages future negotiations.

Personal differences should be solved, not by making concessions, but by changing how you treat the other side. The three aspects involved are perception, emotion, and communication:

Perception: The problem isn’t the facts of the case; it’s the way people perceive them. Each side’s needs and biases color their views. A given team tends to see only the merits of its own viewpoint and the faults of the other. It’s vital, instead, to “try on” the other’s perspective and see how it feels. It’s not necessary to agree with that viewpoint, Understanding it isn’t a cost but a benefit, as it helps to remove biases, improve one’s ability to negotiate, and thus “reduce the area of conflict” (26).

Several precepts help this process: Don’t assume that your fears describe their intentions. Don’t argue that your problem is their fault. Do discuss and acknowledge their perceptions, including the ones you regard as unimportant. Do things that run counter to their negative perceptions of you. Do include them in all aspects of a decision; this gives them a stake in the entire agreement. Do make sure that the other side sees the agreement as fair and not as a humiliating concession.

Emotion: Pay attention to the emotions felt by both sides, such as feeling angry, threatened, distracted, and so forth. Focus also on the five “core concerns—” the need for autonomy, appreciation, affiliation, role or purpose, and status. Avoid trampling on the other side’s sense of identity, including their self-perceived competence. Acknowledge fears and other emotions, and ask the other side if they have similar feelings. Let them vent those feelings to get them off their chest. Don’t react emotionally to an outburst. Make symbolic gestures—a handshake, a shared meal, a short apology—that set a cooperative tone.

Communication: People hear words differently, especially when they’re in a disagreement. Three main problems jam up communication. The first is talking to manipulate or deceive, or to impress their own side. The second is that negotiators stop listening when they give up trying to understand, think about their rebuttal, or simply don’t care. The third is that people misunderstand each other; this is especially true when talks are translated and some of the words have different meanings in the other language.

You should actively listen, and acknowledge the other side’s words and restate them from time to time: These actions help the other side to see that you respect their view even when you disagree. Thus, “the cheapest concession you can make to the other side is to let them know they have been heard” (37). Your response should be framed so that the other side understands it clearly and recognizes that your purpose isn’t to defeat them but to work with them. Describing your feelings is much less threatening, and vastly easier to hear, than criticizing their behavior.

It’s better to prevent problems than wrestle with them during the negotiation. To do this, try first to get to know the other side: Understanding fosters trust and cooperation. Tense moments can be defused with humor or a quiet word on the side.

Focusing on the problem instead of on personalities keeps egos out of the discussion. Treat each side’s problems as shared concerns that both groups can work together to solve. One technique is to sit on the same side of the table while everyone studies a map, data, or other information. When the issue is seen as a mutual challenge, both sides begin to see themselves as part of a team instead of as adversaries.

Part 2, Chapter 3 Summary: “Focus on Interests, Not Positions”

Two people in a library argue about a window: One wants it open to let in fresh air, but the other wants it closed to prevent a draft. The librarian hears them out, closes the window, and opens one in the next room, which solves both problems. The librarian looks beyond the arguers’ positions—how much to open the window—and finds a solution that satisfies their interests, the real reasons why they’re both arguing about the window.

The Egyptian-Israeli peace treaty of 1978 got stymied over how much of the Sinai Israel must return to Egypt. Egypt’s insisted on all of it; Israel wanted to retain a section near its border. Egypt’s interest was that, recently free of colonial control, it didn’t want yet another country taking its territory; Israel’s interest was that it didn’t want Egyptian tanks on its border. The solution, a demilitarized zone in an all-Egyptian Sinai, met both sides’ interests without a compromise.

Often it’s easier to satisfy interests than to compromise on positions: “Behind opposed positions lie shared and compatible interests” (44). A tenant and landlord, for example, both want stability, a well-maintained property, and good relations. Conflicting interests sometimes get settled by referring to a common standard: The amount of rent can be defined by the local market’s common price.

Interests often lie obscurely in the background. To identify them, ask why the other party takes a given position. Also ask yourself why they have not yet brought up a topic that you expect them to raise: Something important may prevent them from dealing with an issue.

It’s useful to work through a problem from the other side’s perspective. In a hostage crisis, for example, make a list of the kidnapper’s probable pros and cons about releasing or holding captives. If the other side has many members, their interests will be many and varied; this complicates the issue, but ignoring it leads to misunderstandings. Additionally, ignoring the other side’s basic needs— including security, money, belonging, status, and autonomy—can torpedo a negotiation. This is as true for nations as it is for individuals.

The process of understanding the other side’s interests begins when you explain your own interests, in a manner that makes clear that they are legitimate concerns and not intended as attacks against the other side. Most important of all, though, is making clear that you understand and respect the other side’s concerns. It’s a mistake to start by insisting on a particular solution; instead, both sides should first hear each other out on the problems that they face.

Some negotiators talk as if the process is a ritual or pastime; they seek points, not solutions. Their words are designed to evoke responses that confirm their biases about each other. Complaining about past harms and insults goes nowhere, while speaking about what can be accomplished in the future moves talks forward. It helps to bring ideas for solutions to the table but thereafter to respond flexibly and adaptively.

It’s okay for each side to be tough about their interests, which must be satisfied for a successful agreement. Standing up for motives challenges each party to come up with innovative solutions: “Attack the problem without blaming the people” (56).

Part 2, Chapter 4 Summary: “Invent Options for Mutual Gain”

Often negotiations center on single issues—an amount of money or territory, child custody in a divorce—where one or both sides will resent the outcome. Two people argue over an orange and finally split it in half; one eats the fruit part and throws out the peel, while the other tosses the fruit portion and uses their part of the peel in a cake recipe. A much more resourceful agreement thus was overlooked.

The solution is to find options that expand a contested resource instead of merely dividing it. Negotiators overlook this approach for four reasons: They prejudge their own ideas; they search quickly for a single answer; they decide there’s only a “fixed pie” to be divided; and they assume the other side should solve its own problems.

Four guidelines help to improve the search for mutually satisfying solutions: (1) separate the act of inventing options from the act of judging them; (2) broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer; (3) search for mutual gains; and (4) invent ways of making their decisions easy (62).

The first guideline involves separating the creative process from the decision process: “Invent first, decide later” (62). Small-group brainstorming sessions—lots of offbeat ideas with no judgment or criticisms—can develop surprisingly useful solutions. The sessions should be informal, private, and, if possible, off the record. The strongest ideas get developed further before they’re presented to the other side. A riskier approach is to brainstorm with the other side, but, if managed carefully, this also can produce solutions that more closely match both sides’ needs.

The second guideline, broadening the options, benefits from the use of a circle chart. It augments the process by dividing a solution into four steps: fully describing the problem, analyzing it for causes and obstacles, generating strategies, and developing specific steps toward a solution. During each portion of the process, an idea can be fed back into earlier steps to better evaluate it.

Looking at a problem through the eyes of different experts—“a banker, an inventor, a labor leader, a speculator in real estate, a stockbroker, an economist, a tax expert, or a socialist” (71)—also generates a wide assortment of ideas. A negotiation also can be separated into several parts to be solved individually.

The third guideline is to search for a “joint gain” that expands resources. A city may wish to increase taxes on a factory, but if the factory agrees instead to bring in more businesses, this will increase the tax base, which benefits both sides. The secret is to find things that cost one side very little but that the other side really wants.

The fourth guideline is to make it easy for the other side to say yes. It helps to structure an agreement so that it’s easy to implement, feels fair and honorable, fits precedents, and is easy to sell to constituents.

Finally, make your proposal a “yesable proposition.” This means the other side can simply say yes without objections or conditions. If this is the case, you have solved their problems as well as yours.

Part 2, Chapter 5 Summary: “Insist on Using Objective Criteria”

Sometimes neither party can find a solution to a conflict. In this situation, an outside, neutral party can be brought in to decide the matter. If contractor and buyer can’t agree on the minimum depth for a building’s foundation, for example, they can refer to the standards of local regulators or the common practice of the region. This hands off the decision rather than leaving it to a test of wills between negotiators. Such agreements are more stable, since they rely on time-tested rules; they’re also more efficient, as common standards resolve many of the issues automatically.

One way to vet a suggested standard is to ask if the proposer would use it on their own projects. Another system that’s mechanically fair is to have one side split a resource into two portions, with the other side choosing the one it wants. Other simple-but-fair systems include “taking turns, drawing lots, letting someone else decide” (88), and even coin flips.

Three approaches can convince a side to accept standardized procedures. The first is to offer a “joint search” for objective criteria. This often begins with a query: One side offers a bid on a property, for example, and the other side asks what theory they used to arrive at that bid. This helps everyone commit to the idea that the agreement will follow accepted norms.

The second approach is to be open to reasonable ideas. One side may make an opening offer and then insist that, on principle, it’s the only one they’ll make. The response is to acknowledge that criteria are important, but that both parties need to agree on the criteria. If each side insists on a different standard, it’s okay to agree to accept both and split the difference between them.

The third approach is: “Never yield to pressure” (91). When the other side tries to bribe or intimidate you, respond by asking about the objective standard the other side is using. This keeps discussions from defaulting to positional wrangling. Sticking to the principle of objective standards usually overcomes positional bargaining; if not, you can accept their absolute position or back out of the discussion.

Part 2 Analysis

Part 2 is the core of the book’s teachings. It explains in detail the four main parts of a good negotiation: Disentangling people’s egos from issues, focusing on interests instead of positions and Inquiring Into the Other Side’s Needs, inventing lots of options that benefit both sides, and using neutral standards to decide many of the issues.

Each chapter in Part 2 explains one of the book’s four main tenets. Chapter 2, for example, explores The Importance of Disengaging From Strong Emotions. It teaches that it’s vital for negotiators to disentangle fear, anger, and pridefulness from the issues that need to be solved. Otherwise, feelings will interfere with the process and, possibly, lead to a catastrophic failure.

Central to the book’s thesis is that many, if not most, conflicts can be resolved—not through compromise, but in ways that satisfy both sides. Chapter 3’s opening passage, in which two people argue over how much to open a library window, illustrates this point. The librarian opens a window in a side room, which refreshes the air in the main room and avoids causing an undesirable draft. No compromise is needed; both people’s interests are satisfied.

This approach to conflict resolution requires a willingness for each side to respect the other’s needs. It also hints at the need for a big dose of creative problem solving and The Significance of Tools for Reaching an Agreement, such as brainstorming and circle charts.

Starting a negotiation with your solutions is tantamount to taking a position: Thereafter, you’ll be forced to defend your proposals to counterattacks. It’s vastly better to first discuss the situation as each side sees it and then suggest, carefully and diplomatically, a set of possible solutions, tailoring them to the issues both sides have raised.

Chapter 4 describes methods for generating numerous options that might resolve a conflict. This chapter, with its description of brainstorming and several other techniques is central to the book’s belief that many possible solutions and the use of tools help sides to reach an agreement.

Under the Getting to YES system, negotiators have very little idea at the outset what the agreement will look like. A solution must fulfill several interests on both sides; this requires a great deal of creative problem-solving. By its nature, creativity is unpredictable, which can be stressful. It’s tempting, instead, to revert to the positional system, but this generates a simplistic compromise that settles somewhere on a known spectrum—the amount of a disputed resource or cash to be transferred and who gets how much.

Every dispute is different, and the people involved have varying wants and needs. This means a successful negotiation must find solutions that uniquely address interests. In that sense, even the most experienced negotiators must start from scratch as they brainstorm solutions that fit each side’s multiple desires.

The book's prescription for generating useful ideas involves brainstorming, circle charts, a wide selection of viewpoints, and other techniques that support the creative process. Whichever processes they use, negotiators must find the answers by inventing them. Once several ideas have been generated, they should be strengthened and refined. One approach is to pretend you’re a critic and try to tear down your own argument, then reverse yourself and argue for your idea.

Negotiations falter when bargainers assume theirs is the only valid viewpoint and that the other side’s concerns should be ignored. On the contrary, it’s useful to “steelman” an opposing idea by building a strong case in its favor. Billionaire investor Charlie Munger says: “It’s bad to have an opinion you’re proud of if you can’t state the arguments for the other side better than your opponents.” (Munger, Charlie. The Tao of Charlie Munger. Scribner, 2017.) The point isn’t to agree with the other side’s views but to understand them.

Chapter 5 describes how parties can resolve leftover disputes by using an outside standard or common authority to referee them, a part of the book’s key theme, The Significance of Tools for Reaching an Agreement. Outside standards get their power from being practical, face-saving criteria that are fair and honorable. They also benefit from the “higher authority” gambit: Instead of having to stand your ground, you say that you don’t wish to flout accepted standards. You’re deferring to an accepted, authoritative, “higher” source that the other side can’t easily reject.

Chapter 4 is vital to the book’s system. Without its techniques of generating multiple solutions to problems, Chapter 3’s discussion on interests versus positions would collapse, negotiations would default to positional bargaining, and Chapter 2’s advice on separating egos from positions no longer would have a purpose. Chapter 4 is thus critical to the effectiveness of the whole program.

That said, Chapter 4’s techniques can’t get a foothold in a negotiation that lacks the other three components. Brainstorming and other idea generators can function usefully only when negotiators get off their positions, take the other side’s interests seriously, and accept outside umpires to adjudicate nagging conflicts.