44 pages 1 hour read

Henrik Ibsen

Hedda Gabler

Fiction | Play | Adult | Published in 1890

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Act IVChapter Summaries & Analyses

Act IV, Pages 112-117 Summary

It is evening. Hedda is in the living room. Juliane arrives with the news that Rina has died. Juliane will not stay long; she has to go and prepare Rina’s body for burial. Tesman enters and worries that Juliane will be lonely now without Rina. Juliane assures Tesman that she will soon take in another “poor, sick soul to nurse” (114). She leaves. 

Tesman is worried about Ejlert. He went to his house earlier to tell him that his manuscript was safe, but Ejlert wasn’t there. Hedda confesses that Ejlert came to their house and claimed to have destroyed his work. Tesman wants to take the manuscript back to Ejlert now. Hedda tells him that she burned it. Tesman is horrified, but Hedda says that she burned the manuscript for Tesman, because she could not bear “the idea of someone else putting [him] in the shade” (116). Tesman’s horror turns to delight. He believes that Hedda has burned the manuscript out of love for him. Hedda indirectly tells Tesman that she is pregnant, and Tesman is even more overjoyed. Hedda cannot stand all the fuss.

Act IV, Pages 118-123 Summary

Mrs. Elvsted enters the room. She believes that something terrible has happened to Ejlert; she went to Mamzelle Diana’s boardinghouse and people were talking about him. Mrs. Elvsted heard someone mention a hospital, but no one would talk to her directly. She even stopped by Ejlert’s house, but no one had seen him since the previous afternoon. Tesman wonders if he should make inquiries, but Hedda tells him not to get involved. 

Brack enters. He tells everyone that Ejlert has been taken to the hospital and is not expected to survive. Mrs. Elvsted starts crying. She wants to go see him at the hospital, but Brack tells her that he is not allowed visitors and is likely already dead. Tesman asks Brack if Ejlert has “hurt himself.” Hedda is sure that he has, and guesses that Ejlert shot himself. Brack confirms that she is correct. Hedda asks where he shot himself. Brack tells her he shot himself in the chest; Hedda remarks that this “will do.” She feels that Ejlert had “the courage to do […] what had to be done” (122). Mrs. Elvsted suggests to Tesman that they try to reconstruct Ejlert’s book from his notes, which she has in her possession, as he dictated his work to her. Tesman decides to commit his life to recreating Ejlert’s manuscript, vowing that his own work will have to wait. He and Mrs. Elvsted leave the room to get to work.

Act IV, Pages 124-129 Summary

Hedda sits in an armchair by the stove. She tells Brack that Ejlert’s death has shown her that freedom is possible and she is still able to exert her own free will. Brack confesses that he obscured some of the details when recounting the story; Ejlert didn’t shoot himself but was shot at Mamzelle Diana’s boardinghouse. He went back there looking for something and raving about “a lost child” (125). He was not shot in the chest but in the genitals. Hedda is disgusted. Brack says Ejlert must have stolen the pistol. He knows that it belonged to Hedda. Brack warns her that the police could trace the pistol back to her, which could cause a great scandal if anyone thought she gave it to him. Brack assures Hedda that he will not tell the police. She realizes that she is under Brack’s control.

Act IV, Pages 130-131 Summary

Hedda goes to the writing desk to ask Tesman how work on the manuscript is going. Tesman tells her that it will take months and that there is nothing Hedda can do to help. Tesman suggests that Mrs. Elvsted move in with Juliane so that she and Tesman can work on the manuscript together every evening. Hedda goes to the inner room, out of sight, and asks Tesman what she will do while he and Mrs. Elvsted work together; Tesman suggests that Brack visit every evening to keep Hedda company. Brack is delighted by this suggestion. 

From the living room, Brack, Tesman, and Mrs. Elvsted hear a gunshot. Tesman thinks Hedda is playing with her guns again. He goes into the inner room to check on her. Hedda is lying dead on the sofa, having shot herself in the temple.

Act IV Analysis

The final act of Hedda Gabler is brief but intense. The Constraints of Social Convention make it almost impossible for characters to express themselves directly, and Hedda never states the true reasoning behind her actions, which is complex and goes against the social expectations of a married woman. When Hedda does attempt to verbally justify her actions, she has to do so within the existing social framework, which requires her to lie. When she tells Tesman that she has burned the manuscript, for instance, she tells him that she did it for his sake. In fact, she burned the manuscript for all kinds of reasons, none of which had anything to do with Tesman or his career, but she is silenced by social constraints. Brack’s threats represent another form of silencing: His status as a powerful man means that Hedda has little recourse when he blackmails her into becoming his mistress. Whereas Brack is able to flout convention without consequence, Hedda’s entire life could come apart at the first whiff of scandal.

Hedda experiences The Challenges of Genuine Connection as each of her relationships crumbles around her. She finally tells Tesman that she is pregnant, which temporarily shores up their marriage, but with her pregnancy out in the open, it becomes a symbol of a future she doesn’t want with a man she doesn’t love. Meanwhile, Tesman and Mrs. Elvsted seem poised to rekindle their romance when they start reconstructing Ejlert’s manuscript. Unlike Hedda, Mrs. Elvsted shares Tesman’s academic expertise and interest, and their connection is in some ways a continuation of the relationship between Mrs. Elvsted and Ejlert. It is a relationship in which Hedda can have no part, and underscores her distance from her husband.

For a brief time, Hedda believes that she and Ejlert have a genuine connection. When she gives him the pistol, she thinks that they have understood each other, and that Ejlert will have a beautiful death. When he does not die as she hoped, she realizes that their connection was not what she thought it was, and that she has lost the only person she loves.

As Ejlert’s death proves, Hedda’s attempts at Gaining Power and Influence do not go as planned. She wanted to control Ejlert’s destiny, and she wanted proof that it was still possible for a person to generate meaning in their life. She and Ejlert have always prized deliberate action, so Hedda feels that Ejlert has let her down by not dying as she asked him to. There are no vine leaves, and there is no dramatic justice to his death. The play is ambiguous as to whether he died by suicide, by accident, or by murder. Whatever happened, Hedda is bitterly disappointed that he was shot in the genitals. Her hopes for Ejlert involved what she imagined to be a dignified and courageous death. Hedda sees suicide as an opportunity to exert control over one’s destiny. Rina’s slow death by illness is a counterpoint to what Hedda believes is the ideal way to die. 

In the final scenes of the play, Hedda realizes that all possible avenues have closed to her. Tesman is more focused on building an academic relationship with Mrs. Elvsted than in building a future with her—by choosing to recreate Ejlert’s book, Tesman is effectively throwing away his own professorship and the financial security that would come with it. Furthermore, she is pregnant and doesn’t want to be, and Ejlert, the only person she ever believed truly understood her, has died for nothing. Finally, Brack has control over her because he knows it was her pistol that killed Ejlert. Tesman suggests that she spend every evening with Brack, which Hedda knows would all but require her to become Brack’s mistress.

Taking all of this into account, Hedda realizes that dying by suicide is the only way for her to maintain any control over her life. During their conversation, Hedda tells Brack that she would rather die than tell the police that her pistol was stolen. Brack replies, “People say that. No one does it” (128). At the end of the play, Hedda proves Brack wrong. The final line of the play is Brack’s: “No one does that. No one” (131). Hedda is unwilling to live life on someone else’s terms, and the life she is living is not one that she wants. Though she wasn’t able to control Ejlert’s fate, she can control her own.