55 pages 1 hour read

Marilynne Robinson


Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 1980

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Chapters 8-9Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 8 Summary

Sylvie and Ruthie go down to find the boat Sylvie uses, and it was hidden by the owner. Ruthie considers how she walks like her aunt and thinks about how they are the same. Sylvie could even be her mother, she thinks. Sylvie is upset the owner hides the boat because she always puts it back where she found it. The two find the boat and get in as the owner starts to yell at them. Sylvie notes how he always does this and tells Ruthie to ignore the man.

Sylvie explains many people live on the islands and the hills. She says that “there might be a cabin there with ten children in it” (220). Sylvie notes she thinks she saw the children, and she keeps crackers in her pocket partly in case she sees them. One time, she tried to lure a child out, but she was unable to. Ruthie considers how dawn reminds her of her grandfather’s paintings and also makes her think of Heaven, but she does not believe she will be comfortable in Heaven. She thinks of her grandfather watching them, but she knows he cannot because his train is miles away.

They leave the boat. Ruthie asks her aunt if they can move elsewhere because she is cold, but Sylvie tells her they have to wait for the children. They get their lunch because Sylvie thinks they might have a better chance of finding the children if Ruthie is eating. Ruthie considers how craving and having something are similar, and that craving can give back to a person what they lost. Sylvie leaves Ruthie alone.

Ruthie understands why her aunt thinks there may be children in the woods, but she does not believe it herself. Ruthie feels a consciousness behind her, but she does not turn back because she knows it will disappear if she does. She realizes she and Lucille would feel such a presence and ignore it, but Ruthie has not come to this place because she always knew it would be hard to disregard the presence alone. She compares it to when two children are together in a lighted house at night; they ignore people watching from outside and then close the shades when they want to. The children indoors pay attention only to each other. She narrates, “anyone with one solid human bond is that smug, and it is the smugness as much as the comfort and safety that lonely people covet and admire” (23).

Ruthie thinks about how lonely people have a hard time believing they were ever not lonely. She thinks about how awful it is to be standing outside and to look into a lighted room. Those outside can starkly see the difference between themselves and those inside. Ruthie starts to pull at the boards of an abandoned, fallen house. She believes if she digs through it, she will see remnants of the people crushed inside the house. She thinks about things like the piano at her grandmother’s house; it made the house seem stable but really could prove to be dangerous because a piano is a weight on “a frail structure” (237). Ruthie wishes she could be unhoused from her flesh so she could see her mother, even if her mother ignores her.

Sylvie comes up to Ruthie and puts her coat on her and holds her to her. Ruthie remembers that when her grandmother did this, the woman sometimes had pins in her dress, but Ruthie would not mention them because that would make her grandmother pull away. Ruthie tells her aunt she did not see the children, and her aunt tells her that perhaps she will another time. Ruthie thinks her aunt looks at her face as if it is her own, and she wants to know why her aunt was gone so long; but her aunt’s arms are a mercy to her, and she will not do anything to separate herself from them. The two get in the boat, and Ruthie thinks thoughts are like the water because they can never be permanently displaced because they are not strong enough. She thinks water is different from air only because it can drown and flood, but even that difference is not absolute, she believes.

The two wait to watch the train. Ruthie hates waiting because she sees her whole life as being composed of expectations. Ruthie calls Sylvie, and she does not answer. She calls her Helen, and still she does not answer. The train comes. When daylight comes, the two hop on the train to get home. They walk home and pass Lucille, and Ruthie tries not to be conspicuous because she knows appearances matter to Lucille. When they get home, Lucille comes into the house. Ruthie tries to tell Lucille where she and Sylvie were, but she falls asleep. Ruthie believes she hears Lucille telling her she does not need to continue living with Sylvie.

Chapter 9 Summary

The sheriff comes a couple of times over the next few weeks. People are concerned not by Ruthie’s truancy or because the two stayed out all night but rather because they came home on the train, and people are worried Ruthie will become transient like her aunt. The townspeople do not want Ruthie to end up like other transient people. Church women start to bring food to Sylvie and Ruthie, and Ruthie is glad Lucille is not there. The parlor is no longer used as a parlor, and Sylvie and Ruthie do not sweep or dust in there because it is used now for storage. Ruthie believes Sylvie keeps the cans and newspapers because “she considered accumulation to be the essence of housekeeping” (270). Because the collections attract mice, Sylvie gets a cat that has two litters of kittens. While the cats keep the other critters in check, they sometimes leave body parts of these animals about the house and on the couch. Sylvie admits to the women who come that she is lonely but that Ruthie is like a sister to her.

One day the women tell Sylvie they think Ruthie needs more order in her life. When they mention that Ruthie looks sad, Sylvie tells them she is sad because of all that happened to her. The women talk about the sorrow that losing family can bring, and Sylvie confirms families ought to stick together. Sylvie realizes they must fix up the place and that Ruthie must go back to school. Her aunt puts some fake flowers on the table and cleans up the newspapers. Sylvie decides to bring Lucille some food because she thinks she might be sick. Lucille tells Sylvie the people of the town want to take Ruthie away because of the night the two spent on the lake. Sylvie spends the night cleaning some more, and she has a healthy breakfast set out for Ruthie. Sylvie herself “was filthy with newsprint and there were cobwebs in her hair” (284). All of this urgency in her aunt surprises Ruthie, and she is also surprised by all her aunt is doing for her. She always thought the two were only kept together because of chance. Still, she knows there is little hope. Sylvie alters Ruthie’s dress so it fits better and irons her clothes because she knows that matters to people. She combs her hair and tells her to smile. The sheriff comes and says they will hold a hearing even though Sylvie says families should not be kept apart.

Chapters 8-9 Analysis

Sylvie’s unconventionality grows ever more apparent as the novel progresses, and when she and Ruthie take the boat, she demonstrates that she is unwilling to even conform to social norms and laws surrounding property ownership. It is at this same time that Ruthie becomes ever more aware of the similarities between herself and her aunt. Now that Lucille is gone, Ruthie has only Sylvie to rely upon, and she no longer has Lucille tying her to the conventions of proper society. She becomes more and more willing to leave them behind as well. In Sylvie, she sees herself because they both have wandering spirits, but she also becomes willing to leave all else behind in order to follow her aunt and not leave the one tie she still has to her world. As Ruthie becomes more and more dependent upon Sylvie, the novel wonders how much of Ruthie’s transience is based in her character and how much is based in her association with her aunt, which also speaks to Family Bonds and Responsibility for Women in 20th-Century America. The bond between Ruthie and Lucille and between Ruthie and Sylvie represent different kinds of familial connections for women in a changing America.

Ruthie associates the dawn and light with Heaven and her grandfather, but it is not here that she feels most comfortable. In fact, she says she does not think she will much like Heaven. This shows that she is not pleased by or motivated by what most people are. This reference to the light of Heaven hearkens back to previous chapters where she felt at one with the dark. Light in windows is shown, throughout the novel, to be associated with the pleasantries and comfort of home, but this type of home has never been available to Ruthie. Because she is so removed from the comforts of home, she most feels comfortable in the darkness, where she and her faults are hidden away. While she thinks of her grandfather when she sees the dawn, her grandfather and mother’s eternal fate, at least in the physical world, is the darkness of the lake bottom. In these ways, she is like her grandfather and mother, both wanderers, and now like her aunt, also a wanderer. She has abandoned the expectations of civil society and has united herself with the wanderlust of those who came before her.

Ruthie explores her feelings of loneliness while on the island, and this proves to be one of the defining characteristics of her identity. She demonstrates an understanding of loneliness when she empathizes with a child outside looking in a window at children playing together. These children in the lighted house can shut the shades and shut her out at any time. She sees in them a smugness. This smugness is something she cannot attain because, unlike others, she does not have even a single connection with another person besides Sylvie. She has lost her sister, and she is left with only Sylvie. She identifies so strongly with Sylvie that she will not even leave her when given an option. While Sylvie remains physically present in Ruthie’s life, she is not able to be psychologically and emotionally available to her to the extent that Ruthie needs, and as such, Ruthie is left outside of much human companionship. She believes that, like Sylvie, she is able to sense the spirits of children left behind years ago, but she feels even this connection to the past is too illusive and that she would scare the children away by even looking at them. The novel continues to develop the theme of American Transience and Rootedness for Women. Lucille drifts further from Sylvie, while Ruthie gravitates closer to her aunt. The novel juxtaposes these options for women as the 20th-century changes their positions and roles.

During this journey, Ruthie is left alone to an extent that she never has been before. She does not know where her aunt is. She digs into the remnants of a fallen house, and this demonstrates how, in the absence of living companionship, she digs deep into the past to try to resurrect people and lives that once were there. She has very little left in the land of the living. She gets so desperate that she starts to believe that death might be her escape from her loneliness because in death she can find her mother. Desperation begins to hover around Ruthie.

Sylvie and Ruthie become more and more alike, but what continues to separate them is their perception of their wandering spirit. There is no indication in the novel that Sylvie desires to be connected to other people. She speaks casually about her marriage to the point that Lucille does not even know if her husband really exists. She left home and never came back except for during her sister’s wedding. She remains with her nieces but spends much time gazing out into the distance, giving the girls the impression that she is dreaming about her freedom. None of this bothers Ruthie throughout the novel except to the extent that her aunt’s wandering spirit could take her away from her. Unlike Lucille, Ruthie will put up with all she suffers at the hands of her aunt just to be in her aunt’s presence. The closest relation Ruthie ever has is her sister, but it is her aunt she clings to. While Sylvie’s wayward nature appears to bring her happiness and contentment, to Ruthie, it brings loneliness. When Ruthie clings to Sylvie rather than Lucille, she shows that it is a mother figure that she is most looking for.

The piano that Ruthie thinks about in her grandmother’s house is symbolic of the various objects of life that seem to imply domesticity and being tied to an area but that really can prove to be so heavy and dramatic that they threaten the very structure of that life. Ruthie’s life is threatened by overt domesticity because this domesticity could drive her aunt away from her. The lack of traditional domesticity, on the other hand, drove her sister away from her. She had a seemingly stable life with Bernice and Helen until Helen, too, had difficulties managing the life. Ruthie’s grandmother believes that everything left behind on earth will one day be reunited with a person in the afterlife. To the grandmother, possessions are eternal. To Ruthie, the very concept of domesticity threatens her stability and, as such, can be seen as a threat just as a piano could be a threat to an unstable house. This demonstrates the theme of Women and Housekeeping.

Sylvie proves her loyalty to Ruthie when she does everything that she can to conform to society in order to keep the girl with her. Never through the course of the novel has Sylvie been shown to do anything to conform to convention. She simply does not care what other people think about her, and she does not care about the housekeeping or the lifestyle standards of those around her. When she is threatened with losing Ruthie, however, she does everything that she can to conform to those standards, getting rid of anything she needs to and cleaning throughout the night. This is shown to still be contrary to her nature as, through her cleaning, she herself becomes quite disheveled, never quite able to live up to those expectations despite her best attempts. While Ruthie has never felt secure because she has always believed that Sylvie was with her only because of chance, Ruthie is shown to be the one person Sylvie will continue to fight for and even change for in order to keep her. Because of this, Sylvie demonstrates that, while she still has no loyalty to any one place, she does have one person she is willing to change and adapt for.