48 pages 1 hour read

Adrienne Young

Spells for Forgetting

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 25-37Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 25 Summary: “Three Years Before the Fire: August”

Three years before the fire, August and Dutch sit on a lighthouse balcony, watching Emery and Lily below. They’ve stolen a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins and are having fun smashing them on the rocks. August laments that he needs to be at work at the orchard early in the morning, and Dutch becomes bitter at August’s safe, predictable future. August reflects on Dutch’s deadbeat father and lack of options. He offers to find Dutch a job at the orchard, and Dutch is disproportionately grateful. He asks about August’s grandfather, who has become very ill. August hopes that he will die soon.

Chapter 26 Summary: “Emery”

Back in the present, Emery harvests nettles for teas and medicine. Dutch calls, but she’s unable to answer him. She considers what she’s learned about Lily as well as August’s abusive relationship with his grandfather before he died. Emery’s father arrives, hoping to make peace after their argument. Emery confronts him about the hidden deed to the Salt orchard and tells him that she can no longer trust him.

Chapter 27 Summary: “August”

August goes to Portland to request a copy of his house record. He feels watched and becomes nervous, but it’s only a woman who’s attracted to him. The receptionist tells him that he’ll have to fill out a mail order request, so he calls his friend Eric and asks for a forwarding address.