48 pages 1 hour read

Adrienne Young

Spells for Forgetting

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2022

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Saoirse Island

Saoirse Island is the primary setting of Spells for Forgetting, yet it fills a much greater role than a simple backdrop. The island is often personified and given the illusion of a human voice; this illustrates the islanders’ deep connection with the land. The first example of this is in the novel’s very first line: “There were tales that only the island knew” (3). This line directly foreshadows the moment much later when Saoirse Island tells the “tale” of Lily’s death. The first chapter bookends this image by saying, “Saoirse had secrets, yes. But so did we” (8). Immediately, the novel sets up the island as the story’s overarching framework.

Like many island communities, the residents of Saoirse Island are dependent on tourism. In addition to its natural Pacific Northwest beauty, the island is characterized by its inherent magic. Tourists visit in order to briefly touch a bit of the magic that its residents live with every day. However, the relationship between the island and those who live there is deeper than it first appears; the island is viewed as a revered land spirit or deity. This relationship echoes historical accounts of druidic land worship.