48 pages 1 hour read

Casey McQuiston

The Pairing (The Proposition, #3)

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Symbols & Motifs


In McQuiston’s novel, pairings symbolize romantic relationships. In the culinary world, a pairing refers to a dish and a beverage meant to be enjoyed together due to their harmonizing flavors. The term can also mean two people in a relationship, and this double meaning suits the story’s genre as a romantic comedy with a strong focus on culinary experiences. Throughout the tour, Theo and Kit sample and envision many dishes and drinks that bring out the best in one another. In Chapter 20, Kit muses, “Do you ever think [...] about how amazing it is that a drink or a plate of food can be so good separately, but if you pair them together the right way, it becomes an experience?” (381). Likewise, Theo and Kit accentuate each other’s best attributes and help one another to achieve their full potential. For example, Kit helps Theo trust herself and take risks on pursuits that she is passionate about.

This symbol reaches its culmination in Field Day, the restaurant that the couple builds together in the Epilogue. The establishment combines the couple’s last names and specializes in pairings: “And the concept is, every dish is designed to pair with a drink.