55 pages 1 hour read

Angela Y. Davis

Women, Race & Class

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 1981

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White Middle-Class Women’s Failure to Incorporate Race- or Class-Consciousness into Movements

One of Davis’s most prominent themes is her consistent and repeated criticism of white middle-class women’s acceptance of racism and anti-working-class views. This is abundantly clear in her thorough historical overview and analysis of the women’s rights movement from its birth at Seneca Falls through the contemporary anti-rape and abortion rights movements. Although Davis does at some points criticize others for failing to incorporate race-consciousness—in Chapter 10, she explains that “one of the unfortunate legacies” of the Socialist Party was its lack of dedication to Black liberation (151)—the bulk of her critique centers on the relatively privileged women who have historically been at the center of feminism.

The key instances that exhibit this theme are: (1) the suffrage movement’s failure to include Black and working-class women through its embrace of racism and its unquestioning acceptance of capitalism; (2) the anti-rape movement reinforcing the Black rapist myth instead of recognizing its racist underpinnings and the need to challenge it to help Black women combat sexism; (3) the abortion rights/birth control movement’s failure to evaluate its history of racist and classist eugenics and sterilization abuse and the movement’s failure to understand the impact of poverty on working-class women.

This theme remains visible throughout the book as Davis highlights the shortcomings of feminist movements. Her initial discussion of the women’s rights movement’s origins within the anti-slavery effort hints at a potential alliance between Black people and white women. However, from there, Davis turns to the early limitations of the movement by noting the absence of Black and working-class women from key events and agendas. For example, Davis writes that the Seneca Falls Declaration, widely considered the foundational text of American first wave feminism, “all but ignored the predicament of white working-class women, as it ignored the condition of Black women in the South and North alike” (53-54)

By completing a full historical picture of the women’s rights movement and associated figures like Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, Davis exposes a history that often goes untold. She reveals the flawed and problematic nature of the movement and gives life to the voices of marginalized Black and working-class women. Davis complements this analysis of “mainstream” feminism with a detailed account of the efforts and contributions of marginalized women to the suffrage movement and other struggles. For instance, Davis writes that working-class women in textile mills “​​had more than earned [them] the right to be lauded as pioneers of the women’s movement” (55) through their resistance against working conditions, as had the Black women who had been resisting their oppression in countless ways since the era of slavery (Davis particularly points out Black women’s efforts in combatting sexism in education). This has the effect of emphasizing the scale and gravity of the white and middle-class dominated movement’s failure to integrate or include other women, thereby shining further light on this theme.

In analyzing these shortcomings, Davis’s overall message seems to be one of hindsight and learning from our past, questionable history. She often indicates what she believes movement leaders should have done at the time, in some cases stating her opinion outright: “[A]bortion rights activists of the early 1970s should have examined the history of their movement” (215). In her concluding chapters, Davis brings this historical perspective to bear on ongoing issues related to sex, race, and class to strategize methods that can be used to effectively combat them.

The Need for an Intersectional Analysis of Sex, Race, and Class

This theme is the heart and soul of Women, Race and Class, as its title itself implies. It serves as an overarching goal that Davis envisions for future approaches to social inequalities. It also reflects what she believes what was missing from the white, middle-class suffrage, anti-rape, and reproductive rights movements. It is important to note that although Davis doesn’t use the word “intersectionality,” which had not developed at the time, her analysis is undoubtedly an intersectional one.

Davis argues that the intersection of oppression associated with sex, race, and class has historically manifested as a “triple jeopardy” for Black women (165). Due to this “triple jeopardy,” Black women’s experiences demand a special, tailored perspective and approach. It is not enough to focus on issues relating to being a woman or to being Black; rather, we must look at how each subset of experience works in conjunction with others. This sort of analysis is important in and of itself, but it is also crucial to understanding why the women’s rights movement has sometimes faltered for lack of support from working-class women and women of color. For example, Davis argues that working-class women have often been preoccupied with their immediate needs with respect to wages or working conditions; consequently, they have not always shared the priorities—suffrage, abortion, etc.—of the mostly middle-class women’s rights movement. This in turn complements Davis’s critique of that movement: It is not simply that feminism has often failed marginalized women, but rather that, in alienating these women, it has also made itself less effective.

Davis is persistent in demonstrating the ways in which racism has factored into the oppression of Black women. For example, with respect to white men’s sexual violence against Black women, Davis proclaims that racism “has always served as a provocation to rape” and “has always drawn strength from its ability to encourage sexual coercion” (177). Likewise, Davis discusses racism’s role in the continuing exploitation of Black women, such as in their post-slavery role as domestic servants for almost a century after emancipation. Racism has gained its power not only from the South by also from anti-Black sentiments in the North, where racism “was deep and widespread and potentially murderous” too. (67)

Similarly, Davis details how capitalism has led to sexual inequality by “establish[ing] female inferiority more firmly than ever before” and to the ongoing exploitation of the working class (12)—Black and white, male and female. Davis discusses how class exploitation, like racist oppression, “[does] not discriminate between the sexes” (142). She also implicates capitalism in sexual violence, arguing that it creates an “incentive to rape” on the part of men who hold economic power (199).

By understanding the ways in which capitalism and racism have operated alongside sexism, Davis paints a more complete picture of oppression that then informs the strategies she proposes in her concluding chapters. The importance of an intersectional analysis is most evident in her analysis of how to tackle the issue of rape: The “struggle against racism must be an ongoing theme” and any efforts to eradicate rape “must be situated in a strategic context which envisages the ultimate defeat of monopoly capitalism” (201).

The Potential of Solidarity

This recurring theme reflects on what is possible when various groups of people unite in the struggle for freedom. This theme complements the other themes in that it allows readers to imagine the powerful alliances that could have emerged had women’s rights movements paid more attention to race or class considerations. It essentially presents an alternative to the historical realities that Davis discusses. Davis also incorporates this theme into her analysis by establishing bases for solidarity and by citing examples of solidarity in action.

Davis underscores the need for solidarity by noting instances where a particular issue’s effects impacted other groups of women and created common ground to work together. She demonstrates this with two notable examples. In Chapter 5, Davis explains that white working-class women’s working conditions were “tied to the oppressive predicament of women of color” and that their wages “have always been fixed by the racist criteria used to calculate the wages of Black women servants” (94). Similarly, in Chapter 11, Davis concludes that white women have “suffered the ricochet fire” of sexual violence against Black women (177), explaining that “once white men were persuaded that they could commit sexual assault against Black women with impunity, their conduct toward women of their race could not have remained unmarred” (177). As Davis emphasizes, “racism nourishes sexism” (177). She finds common ground for Black women and white women to fight in solidarity against issues that affect both.

Davis also notes multiple historical examples of potential solidarities that failed to manifest, noting that had certain groups unified, they could have accomplished far more. Through these “what-if” and “if-only” scenarios, she implicitly invites the reader to join her in imagining alternate histories. For instance, on the actions of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony, Davis writes that if they “had more carefully analyzed the political situation of the post-Civil War period, they might have been less willing to associate their suffrage campaign with” white supremacist Democratic leaders in the South (81). Similarly, in her discussion of the missteps of abortion rights activists, Davis states that if they had examined the basis for the position Black women took on the matter, then they “might have understood how important it was to undo the racist deeds of their predecessors” and “consequently, the young white feminists might have been more receptive to the suggestion that their campaign for abortion rights include a vigorous condemnation of sterilization abuse” (215). In this manner, Davis’s imagining of what “might have” been shows readers the potential power of solidarities.

Finally, Davis’s inclusion of historical examples that exemplified solidarity allows readers to not just imagine but witness its power. For example, Davis states that women’s struggle for education “reached a true peak when Black and white women together led the post-Civil War battle against illiteracy in the South. Their unity and solidarity preserved and confirmed one of our history’s most fruitful promises” (109).